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:, Indonesia
I do not speak my truth to antagonize you.... I share this swollen river running -- This waterfall of faith-- because it flows from me like lennon's endless rain.... --my paper cup: this poem-- to which an endless string of words spill out and on to... I stain the sentences with abundant articulations that boil inside of me... I thirst, I starve, I crave. and all that quenches... all that can satiate me is to open the faucet and allow the words to run... They skip and dance across themselves... They formulate on their way out like fireworks deciding which way they will face when they open and sizzle in the night air... And when they do... it's a sight to behold. It shocks me like the boom, and takes me aback to see what has emerged. And Keroac knew. He knew all along... that I was one. As my words explode like spiders across the sky... I watch in staggering wonder at my truth revealed and know that I am home here. I have taken my vow... signed in blood... solemnly sworn myself in... been hazed and pinky promised... and I know... without the shadow of a doubt... that I am a mad one. ...and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, May 14, 2010

where hearts meet at 5am

i know where you are now.

...and I will not be going there.

my heart aches that you'd ride this wave beside me...
but you can't find me through these choppy waters...
...and you won't find me...
until you find yourself.

i can pull your body close
and breathe my light to your heart...
but the black hole that is your shadow will absorb it
..and kill it
...drain it
...and drain me.

and so I wait.

...when the darkness of night begins to turn shades of purple,
sounding the alarm that dawn approaches...
my spirit will start to swell.

though it is still the dark of night within your soul i know.

and you gaze out my window and try to decide if your eyes are playing tricks on you or if the indigo really emerges in the sky above...

...as i wrap myself in blue, i invite the sun and moon to rest on the same satin pillow beside me.

and though they sleep here,
I am wide awake...
watching their hearts merge with one another
and then with mine

and I see...
I am
the sun...
Mirrored in the moon.
And I am
the moonlight...
Slowly fading with the creeping light of dawn

...these tender moments, wrapped in cashmere, with the gentle energy of a fawn.

I love myself to life in your light...

But I know where you are...
And i know there is no light.
It is dark and the dawn is a million hours away...
Or so it feels

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